Socorro ‘Soco’ Reynoso, LCSW #68705

Specialties: mother wound, self-worth/self-acceptance/self-love, depression, self-discovery, finding the authentic self.

Socorro ‘Soco’ Reynoso, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and the proud founder of Soco Rey Therapy, a group practice in Inglewood, CA.  She gained a bachelors degree in Psychology at Claremont McKenna College and a masters in Social Welfare at the University of California at Berkeley.  She is of Mexican and Black descent and has been practicing since 2010.

Soco believes that our wounds are our portals to our higher selves. Being the daughter of a Southern Black mother and Mexican-American father comes with a lot of strength and also a lot of pain, namely shame.  The dysfunction in her family life was always apparent to her and she, like many who come from oppressed lineages, believed it was her responsibility to provide everyone she loved with a better life. This led to abandoning her own emotional experiences which resulted in a perpetual longing for connection and love. She has used this longing to re-connect with her authentic self and now finds purpose in helping others do the same.

Her personal work has included divorcing Catholicism, the slave mentality (“my life is not my own”), Marianismo, the identity of “golden child,” and the need to be seen as “good.” Much of her wounding was discovered to be a result of the complex and difficult relationship she shares with her mother. She has found that many have overlooked their mother wound and knows that it is in the investigating of the dynamic between daughters and their mothers that many will learn why they are how they are and what they need to do break into new more healthy relational dynamics with others.

Her niche is working with women of color who are ready to break free from the need for approval and motivated to find who they are on their own two feet. Her favorite clients are those who are motivated to change, typically the ones who are at what may feel like their rock bottom.  Soco has found through lived experience that it is when we feel like we may lose our mind that we find ourself (if properly supported). 

Soco geeks out on all existential matters and is a supporter of decolonizing our country and its harmful practices. Her healing style is an intuitive one, combining her training in understanding systems, cognitive behavioral therapy, spirituality informed by her knowledge of Catholicism, African-American Non-Denominational Churches, Astrology and her working knowledge of neuroscience, Hoodoo, the body and metaphysics.  She is highly aware that we are upon a shift in consciousness, moving from an emphasis on material possessions to energetic/emotional connections, and knows that those of us feeling the shift require significant support of and reconnection to the body — to allow the mind to process and balance the work required in evolving oneself.

Soco’s passion is guiding Black and Brown people into realizing their power and it is why she built her practice.  Mental health issues are simply a result of us not knowing who and what we are.  Anxiety and depression won’t really stand a chance when we do.  She firmly believes that it is when those in the margins realize our magic & power — when we know how lovable & worthy we are and walk in it — that this world will finally get right. She believes we are the cure.