The PHQ-9 is a test used by many different kinds of medical providers to measure an individual’s level of depression. Click here to access Stanford’s PHQ-9 and be sure to look at page 2 which offers info on how to make sense of the test.
The GAD-7 is a test used by many different kinds of medical providers to measure an individual’s level of anxiety. Click here to access the National HIV Curriculum’s GAD-7 and be sure to check out what’s in the blue box below as this will help you understand your results.
Autism is often under-diagnosed in communities of color. Knowing where you fall on the spectrum can help you feel a bit more like you understand why you are how you are (aka self-acceptance) and can also help you find new ways to accommodate you and your needs. Click here to access a fun sit that has multiple quizzes and resources regarding Autism.
NOTE: Please note that these tools are assessment tools to help one see where they may fall in regard to difficulty of lived experience. These are not conclusive but merely useful tools that help open us up to more of what our lives actually feel like; a moment to check-in with self, so to speak. If you feel so moved to see if you have a diagnosis, please contact a mental health professional for further support.